The Joyful Meadow is nearing completion! It has been 11 months in the making. I should have it finished by the time we return to Italy next month, where it will live in my new hobby room. #Embroidery #IMadeThis
@gparenti it's beautiful! Artwork!
Gorgeous! The colors are mesmerizing. The texture, lines and theme as well.
Regarding the swath of red on the left, is that inspired by a crop you have seen, perhaps in Italy? Or is it based more in imagination?
I'd be tempted to have the work photographed in high quality, high resolution and print it ~8x enlarged on metal, with a matte finish to enjoy its detail and color at repose in one's living room.
I can also see how that might fly completely in the face of textile artwork.
@zimfam Good question! That section was inspired by the glacial plain at Castelluccio di Norcia, one of my favorite sights in the world.
Stunning on the phone screen. I can imagine it's spiritual in-person.
Thanks for the insight. I'll go read up on it.
@gparenti Wow!! So many pretty things to see! Beautiful colors and textures everywhere!
Beautiful work I personally know how long they can take to do. I love how you are doing the sky.
That is gorgeous! It's time well spent.