I’ve been using #Metatext as an app for #Mastodon since 2022. But lately I’ve been having lotsa of trouble with it.
I notice it’s been slow to load the last two weeks when I open it and then I move on to other things. I think it’s time to explore other options?
Anyone have a better rec for a Mastodon client? Which app do you use?
@foodnpolitics Simulator issies for me switched back to the original App
@timaeus Ah, I forgot about the original app. Never used it because in the beginning everyone seemed to say not to. Have they improved it?
@foodnpolitics @timaeus I recently moved away from Metatext to Mona. Very happy with the choice.
@lpl Thanks for the rec! I’ll have to check it out.
@foodnpolitics Ivory and IceCubes.