UPDATE: I'm happy to learn that this was a fake tweet. Sorry to have been taken in by it.
Looks like Eloff’s lawyers told him to take this tweet down. But, there is no real delete button on the internet.
@faseidl he's scum
@chilechowda I never really paid that much attention to him and just assumed he was an eccentric billionaire entrepreneur. But recently, I'm realizing he is that and so much less.
@faseidl What a complete ass he is.
@KarenStrickholm @faseidl Pretty sure this is a fake (at least, it was marked as satire here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/znharo/elon_the_benevolent/ )
@dare @KarenStrickholm yep. I fell for it. :-(
Thx for letting me know.
@faseidl @KarenStrickholm well it's not like it's *that* unbelievable, sadly
@faseidl sounds like a murder threat to me.
@snazzy1 turns out it was fake. Sorry to have repeated it.
@faseidl really? He had to go to the lowest common behavioural denominator to make his point?
@vmatinnia it was fake. Sorry I fell for it.
@faseidl no worries. But it does sound like him.
@faseidl I think it's fake/parody. Tho it does look like he's removing his own deleted tweets from twitter archives...his 90% vs 10% tweet is missing
@nosmaharba yep, your right. I fell for a fake. Apologies.
@faseidl Has this been confirmed as authentic?
@jamielynn nope. I just leaned it was a fake. Sort about that.
@jamielynn Sorry, that is
@faseidl charming man, really
@bensb I’ve just learned the tweet was fake. Sorry for being taken in and reposting it.
@ChrisMarshall I’ve since learned that it was a fake. Sorry to hav misrepresented it.
@faseidl Sir, this is a fake. You should delete this post. Plenty to criticize him for without spreading falsities. It harms your position.
@macenvy yes, I just learned. Rather than delete, I feel I should use it to inform people that it was fake that I fell for. Thx for mentioning it.
@faseidl I believe this is a fake post, perhaps intended to be satirical (if it were marked as such). if you have any evidence that it's a real post, please let us know.
@npd yep, it was fake. And it got me.
@faseidl was that for real? I thought it might be a diabolically clever fake. If real I’ll give it more attention.
@jgordon as it turns out, it was a diabolically clever fake. And I fell for it. My bad. Sorry for that.
@faseidl It was so good -- in a bad way. Truer than true.
@faseidl he is admitting that he is "the wrong person" here. Anyway, yet another reason for all to avoid "his own platform".
@BenFPiercePhD I just learned to tweet was faked. I’m glad he didn’t actually say that. Still not a fan, but less so than I would have been.
@faseidl ah, OK. That makes more sense. I would rather not hear about him, tbh. I don't find him interesting or insightful, about anything.
@faseidl This is a fake tweet that started on Reddit.
@FuckElon Ah, I'm glad. It sure has been making the rounds. Thank's for the update.
No worries. It says a lot that it is so completely plausible he would say something of the sort, that people believe it.
@faseidl That's a good way to get in trouble. And he banned me for saying that a MAGA who insisted on bringing his gun everywhere could always get beaten in the head with it (which is what happened to the Colorado Springs killer)...
@toxtethogrady turns out I was taken in by a fake tweet. He didn’t actually tweet that.
@faseidl Parody by BackRub?
@faseidl well, at least you learned the lesson. Always go to the alleged source (twitter).
@faseidl Such is life.