Spring cleaning this weekend to get ready for new gardening season. First, the compost needs to be turned. The first thing to know about compost is that there are a lot of ways to do it, and a lot of people are convinced that theirs is the only right way. I ignore them. I am a lazy composter. I don't balance my greens and browns, I don't take temperature readings, I don't turn the piles more than a few times a year. I use the three bay system.
Spring cleaning 2. So you put compostables into the left bay. Then when they're partially done, you shift them to the middle bay, then to the right. Two turns and you're done. Here I've pulled off the newer material to get to the older stuff to move it to the right (after using the finished compost and shifting the middle bin first). This is all to make room in the left bin for the chicken manure and bedding that's coming.
#gardening #compost #spring #PNW
Spring cleaning 3/x
I'm making room in the compost bin for chicken bedding and manure. We do have municipal compost (I use it for brushy material) but the chicken waste, grass and plant clippings, and most autumn leaves we compost on site. I'll spare you the details of cleaning the coop, but the chickens clean like to help. The only thing is, their idea of helping isn't quite same as mine.
#gardening #compost #spring #PNW
@eugeneparnell That'll make fabulous, rich compost. I add composted chicken manure to the garden every year. I have to buy it though.