I slept for 5 hours in a row, which for me these days seems astounding. It’s 6 o’clock on a Sunday morning and I have an aimless day in front of me full of promise that I will probably mostly squander browsing the web.
So much to do, so little will to do it.
@Devils_Rancher same, except I have to drive home from Albuquerque today. So I’ll at least spend part of my day alone in the car with music blasting.
@MexicanYenta That’s the last me space I have anymore. It’s tough being an introvert that’s constantly surrounded by people 24/7.
@Devils_Rancher @MexicanYenta heard! I feel this so hard. The only thing I like about my job is my gloriously empty office but people keep expecting me to do things there.
@flisswave @MexicanYenta I was an only child- I don’t know if that made me an introvert, but I miss being able to close the door and hide just a little less than I miss being lonely.
@Devils_Rancher @flisswave @MexicanYenta One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was when I started going to fibre arts conventions for work and a friend said, “I know you need to save on costs, but you cannot share a hotel room. You find people exhausting and you’ll have to be ‘on’ all day, so having your own room where you can close the door and be alone is not a luxury. It’s the only way you’ll be able to do these events”
@Devils_Rancher @flisswave @MexicanYenta Also, I think the main reason @BitterOldPunk and I have stayed together & not killed each other even once is that he’s a morning person and I’m a night owl, so we each get a few hours alone, even during the pandemic.#IntrovertsUnite