So apparently the identities of Musk’s people taking over major US government departments are SECRET.
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(screenshots of the article follow)
@LazarusMP I wonder if they even fully understand the implications of what they’re doing or if they’re just working for the man like droids.
(regardless, they are adults)
@LazarusMP And omg… one isn’t even an American— that just hit me
At that age and given what they're doing and who they're working for I'd say they're young psychopaths in training on a pure power trip high. They've apparently been sitting the gov't employees down and making them justify their jobs a-la Office Space. Imagine being a senior employee with 20+ years of experience having to justify your job to those little snots...
They remind me of the lovely young men a few years ago harassing the native elder with their shit-eating smirks.