World champion says Rubik’s Cube and violin go hand in hand
2 hours ago
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (#APNEWS) — A #UniversityofMichigan student is one of the world’s foremost #speedcubers, a person capable of quickly solving a #RubiksCube. He also is an accomplished #violinist.
#StanleyChapel says the two fields go hand in hand.
Not only does Chapel say he has equal interest in both, but the 21-year-old says the #violin has aided in his speedcubing success.
@coryniday Ok, a couple of things. First, while he is no question a world class solver (world record holder for 4BLD AND 5BLD and double digit rank in many events) "World Champion" feels a bit of an exaggerated misnomer. Second, is he one of the *very* few people (last I heard only one person has) to memorize a 1LLL algorithm set? If not, there is no way he's "remembering and applying thousands of algorithms to solve the Rubik's Cube", closer to 6-800 tops. Otherwise, nice article.