#AskingAutistics (and others)
Subject: Narcolepsy and/or falling asleep suddenly and in odd situations.
Does anyone get sudden onset of sleep and, if so, have you ever linked it to certain situations, states of mind, and/or emotions?
@KatyElphinstone That's definitely a thing for many Narcoleptics.
What sorts of events or states of mind/emotions have you linked it to - if any? Interested, if you feel like sharing
@KatyElphinstone First, there's a difference in my response if I haven't had medication. If I haven't had medication, strong laughter will result in Cataplexy. Sometimes even with meds, I'll get a bit dizzy. Strong worry makes me super tired. Without meds, this is irresistible. With meds, I can resist, but will sweat a lot. Severe pain as well as anxiety will bring on the same response. Very rarely, extreme anger will trigger a response.
@somnulus @KatyElphinstone I laughed so hard during Book of Mormon that I spent the second half a limp noodle thanks to cataplexy. Thank god I had someone who could drive me home from the theatre.
@coffee4danz @KatyElphinstone I'll have to check it out. for me Reno 911 would noodle me if I didn't have meds.
@somnulus @KatyElphinstone honestly, it’s the only time I can remember laughter triggering an attack. Usually, strong negative emotions are the ones that would get me before I found a med that worked.
This is so helpful! Thank you both. You're actually confirming my hunch here about the emotions...
Can I ask one more thing @coffee4danz, do the negative emotions include fear or anxiety? Or is it more the stronger, more explosive ones such as anger?
@KatyElphinstone @somnulus for me, it’s surprises that startle me (BOO!) and sadness over things like death of a friend/family. Anger doesn’t, some anxiety does.
Mm interesting! And thank you.
@KatyElphinstone @somnulus overstimulation is a big one. I’ve gone to a lot of pop culture conventions and had to scope out strategic nap locations where my friend could keep watch while I collapsed for a while.
@coffee4danz @KatyElphinstone I don't do events or go out without a plan. Where to escape; how to find my peeps later; is caffeine necessary; If caffeine happens 2pm+, is my next week free to fix my sleep cycle; If I might laugh hard, where should I fall; transit times. Even coffee (herbal tea 2pm+) with a friend needs a plan. Then there's my "spoon" budget. I used to have maybe 2 sooons. Current meds give me 4-5, but I still can only do one "event" per day.
@somnulus @KatyElphinstone I’m lucky that my #narcolepsy isn’t as severe and has responded well to Sunosi. This med has definitely changed my life for the better.