For those of you into historic #sewing , Folkwear Sewing Patterns is located in #ashevillenc and survived #hurricanehelene . If you want to help local businesses get back on their feet, you can buy their PDF patterns online and download them immediately. (They're on sale for 10% off, too.)
@camwyn love these patterns, I think I’ll be getting the Thai fisherman pants for some summer linen :)
@netpraxis go for it. I bought the Turkish pants and French cheesemaker smock ones.
@netpraxis @joost oooh. No, this is new. Bookmarking immediately, thanks!
@camwyn About those patterns - I need to tell you that nobody in #Australia wears the "Australian Bush Outfit".
@anne_twain in fairness the desciption does say that outfit is from the Hollywood version of reality rather than something regularly seen on actual people. So at least there's a disclaimer?
@camwyn Oh okay, must admit I didn't read the text. Too busy laughing.
@anne_twain can't blame you, honestly!
@camwyn uooops, I might have accidentally a few :D
it's for a good cause, right :D