Lately I've been kinda disappointed by RPG/JRPGs and I need some recommendations.
Newer RPGs that I've enjoyed (although writing is underwhelming on some):
- Chained Echoes
- Citizen Sleeper
- Disco Elysium
- Octopath Traveler I & II
- Live A Live
- Persona 4 & 5
Please no action adventure/hack & slash/souls games! Also, I grew up on 90s RPGs so I've already played through the Chrono, Mana, Final fantasy, Lufia, and the Golden Sun series.
@anvit I can second the Trails series, though I started with Trails in the Sky. The best RPG I've played is Fallout: New Vegas. Otherwise there are quite a few on my to-play list that I haven't got around to yet
Edit: TWEWY is another great one, as is the KH series
@potato_hijinks Would you recommend Trails in the sky as a starting point? Or is starting with cold steel better for someone who knows nothing about the story?
Also omg yes! TWEWY and even Neo TWEWY were so so good!
@anvit I haven't reached Cold Steel yet, but I was in the same position as you and was told by friends familiar with the series to start with Sky 1 and 2 before cold steel. Sky 3 was "optional".
Yes! I'm still amazed at how well they managed to turn a handheld game with touch controls into a console game using a controller
Start with Sky if you can bear the graphic style. Combat is better in cold steel but the writing is much better in Sky.
I've been playing through Roadwarden and enjoying it quite a bit. It's very text-based, with some illustrative pixel graphics that are mostly used for maps and landscape, so if reading large swaths of text ain't your jam, it might not be for you, but I've been finding the story telling and world building really engaging.
@Jilliterate I was really into roadwarden when I first started it, but then got a little lost after reaching Foggy lake and kinda gave up maybe I'll give it another shot!
@anvit Langrisser mobile!
@Sibshops I'd never heard of this game/series. Will look it up! Thanks!
Did you play the shadow hearts series and the first two Grandia? If not, then you know what to play
@Rakun haven't played either of those. I'm assuming you're talking about the PS 1 Grandia? I did have that one and Valkyrie profile on my backlog, but hadn't gotten around to trying them!
Yes. Shadow Hearts is a PS2 series. Unfortunately not the easiest to emulate though. Grandia I was talking about the Saturn/PS1 game. You can get the HD collection on PC or Switch these days.
@anvit have you tried Cosmic Star Heroine? Excellent throwback to Chrono Trigger/Phantasy Star