I find it difficult to answer the question “is [blank] accessible?” Because usually there’s like 10 levels of explanation required to actually answer the question.
Things like accessibility compliance v inclusive usability, accessibility for different people and needs, all affect the answer.
@annaecook Oh yes, this 100%!
Tried to wrap my head around the question in this post a while ago https://hidde.blog/accessibility-objectivity/
Context is super important. And content is also a big factor (balance of visual and text elements). But managers want binary certainty. They have little patience with implementers who point out qualifiers and dependencies. In truth, the binary question is inadequate and wrong, for all the reasons you two have mentioned.
@annaecook How fortunate, then, that the answer is always no.
@annaecook accessibility is an umbrella term so it's odd to put a lot of conditions under one and then expect a pass/fail commitment.
Sounds ableist.