Yeaaah! CLC+ Backbone 2018 got finally announced on the Copernicus Land website; the Raster Product is ready for viewing and download:
- 2 years of Sentinel-2 time series (2018+- 6m), 10m resolution, 11 classes, deep learning + regional and expert-in-the-loop calibration
- the project internal validation (plausibility analysis) suggests > 90% OA!
You don’t believe in internal validations? … go and see for yourself! #RemoteSensing #EOchat #Geospatial #EarthObservation
I should add that I’m completely biased since I lead the team producing the Raster Product. But if you ask me, I really believe that it sets a new standard and is far superior to comparable products such as global maps from ESRI and Google. We are now working on the 2021 edition and certainly need to catch up in terms of timeliness … but good things take time even in the age of apparently unlimited compute and data!
@andrestumpf Is there a technical reason that this is restricted to europe or is it "just" funding?
@felixcremer No, no real technical reason I'd say. Getting high-quality training data is probably more effort in other parts of the world but then again it's probably more a question of funding...