@andreas_str It’s actually a bit terrifying. We’ll done.
@andreas_str CW flashing lights, please! There's epileptic and photosensitive people here.
@yuki2501 You are right. Not sure if there's a proper way to do this but I've edited my toot
@andreas_str I'm still not seeing the CW. Apparently there must be a bug with the edit functionality, I think? EDIT: Ah, I see the CW as inline text. My bad.
For future reference I would recommend delete-and-rewrite the next time this happens.
Thanks so much for the apology and the edit.
@andreas_str (BTW if you're planning to mass produce this, I would also recommend the strobos to fire in random order with a some milliseconds of separation instead of firing simultaneously, to mitigate potential seizure occurrences.)
@yuki2501 No plan to mass produce, but I will probably do that because it will make it feel more real too. I have full control of each LED so it should be possible to even sync it with audio too
@andreas_str this thing is awesome! Are you sharing the design anywhere?
@requiem Thanks! I haven't shared it anywhere yet, the main 3D printed parts (wings,body, legs) are a modified version of someone else's design (https://www.instructables.com/Portal-2-Turret-Gun/), but everything else are my design. I might create an instructables or a yt video when the software is more mature
@andreas_str looking forward to watching it progress!
@andreas_str First I thought that was some kind of a web cam & microphone and lights setup for remote meetings and streaming. Would be cool!
@anttijuu I mean, there is a camera in the middle of the red eye, so this can also be done in theory
@andreas_str @anttijuu or a terrifying burglar alarm?
@sideshow_jim @anttijuu that was the original idea