Elon asked one female employee to have his children. When she refused, he denied her raise and complained about her performance. https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/12/24176705/spacex-elon-musk-gwynne-shotwell-sexual-relationships
@amydiehl the title saying "unusual relationship"? bruh just say he's a creep. say he's sexually harassing women. an unusual relationship would be if he goes on morning jogs only with the women, not that he harasses them
@theelectricteal @amydiehl he's just the usual deluded billionaire that thinks the world and women owes him something
@theelectricteal@hachyderm.io @amydiehl@mstdn.social I don't understand why this article has a headline that assumes a relationship is in place when the woman refuses to establish a relationship.
I came here to say this.
This is not "unusual relationships."
This is textbook extremely clear sexual harassment.
This is a comically exaggerated version of the scenarios included in sexual harassment prevention training.
@theelectricteal @amydiehl being a creep is not even unusual in our society.
@theelectricteal@hachyderm.io @amydiehl@mstdn.social by the way he "denied her raise and complain about her perf" I'd use "sex extortion"
@amydiehl The more we learn about Musk, the more we realize what a horrible mistake his mother made.
It seems to be a family trait tbh.
EDIT: To clarify - 1) male Musks seem to be pretty sleazy and 2) mistakes were made
Elon Musk is a piece of shit...?
What a surprise.
@amydiehl I'm not an employment lawyer, but that seems to be really illegal.
Me neither, but yeah, it doesn't even seem to be in a grey area, just very definitely illegal and probably gross misconduct unless he has a very "unusual" contract too.
@petealexharris @stinerman @amydiehl I have a feeling that this will come up when Musk is deposed in the case where he's being sued by ex-Twitter employees... (the plaintiffs lawyers are active on bluesky and, well, they've read the articles!)
@HairyChris @stinerman @amydiehl
I imagine they'll have done their research on more than just social media too.
@petealexharris @stinerman @amydiehl Of course. But I also imagine that they're keeping a very close eye on Elmo's account on Twitter for... reasons...
That sounds more like "Abusive and illegal" to me.
@amydiehl The word "unusual" in that headline is really doing a lot of heavy lifting.
He’s a super creep
Super Creepy
@MishaVanMollusq @amydiehl he’s a very creepy dude. The kind you don’t take home to mother.
@amydiehl @pluralistic I suspect it will be a small group, indeed, who find any of this surprising.
Ah. I wondered what the source of acerbic comment on Elon that I read this morning.
@amydiehl surprised? he grew up knowing he can buy anything he wants...
Is the phrase "unusual relationships with women" a new euphemism for "man who doesn't believe women have any civil rights to autonomy or agency"?
His PayPal mafia buddies David Sacks & Peter Thiel wrote a book that called rape "belated regret".
All three men support Trump. Unsurprisingly.
In theory.
What a load of entitled horseshit. These men with money enough to buy and corrupt our entire world must be stopped.
@amydiehl what, the guy who supports sex offenders is a sex offender?? I am shook.
@amydiehl Totally normal person behavior, obviously
But but but my idol says "When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
This is quid pro quo sexual harassment. Have my baby or no raise for you! Not an “unusual relationship.”
He needs to be sued.
@amydiehl "Creepy blood emerald trust fund eugenist racist believes that women should thank him for his 'superior' genes and punishes those who reject him"
@amydiehl For any other definition of "relationship" and "unusual"
@amydiehl Why is that headline just describing it as "unusual"? The click bait writes itself!
@amydiehl gen-ital-ious
@amydiehl this individual makes me sick and belongs in jail. We should strongly boycott all his businesses by all means necessary. Musk is great Menace of Society and threat of Democracy .
Seems like usual bully, zealot, misogynist, creep behavior to me.
@amydiehl This is not an “unusual relationship”.
This is sexual abuse inflicted on an employee by someone in a position of extreme power.
Fuck you, Musk. And fuck Tesla, while Musk is running it.
[edited to add link]
@amydiehl Flat out r_pey, no other way to put it.