Here's a Mastodon tool to search for users by name across instances. It also returns Twitter accounts in the results.
@amydiehl is there a way to migrate or merge?
@tchanmd If you want to find Mastodon accounts for your Twitter follower or following lists (and then import into Mastodon) you can use the the debirdify tool.
@laracroft Interesting. I wonder what on the site is causing Malwarebytes to block it.
@laracroft Maybe @dcid can help with this?
@amydiehl @laracroft Likely a false positive. Some blacklists started adding mastodon instances as malicious and I am thinking they are using that.
Trying to contact them to understand more.
@dcid @laracroft thank you! Let us know what you find out.
Hey @malwareinfosec , can you look at it for us?
Malware bytes is blocking this instance.
@dcid @amydiehl @laracroft thanks for reporting this false positive. I’ve sent a message to the people in charge of web protection, so hopefully this gets unblocked quickly.
@amydiehl I don't know but it came up straight away on my PC
@amydiehl thanks this is very helpful. As a newbie trying to find users from other social sites can be challenging.
@amydiehl What does it mean if it’s not finding my own handle? On here or Twitter?
@dhstokyo The data is cached so if your account was recently created, it may take a bit for it to show up in the search results.
@amydiehl Ah, thanks. I’m not new to Twitter, but am new to Mastodon.
@amydiehl copied off a toot I came across recently: - This is a helpful overview of why the search feature is intentionally limited
And it links to this thoughtful blog post on why the influx of new people on Mastodon has been so jarring to the community already here
@amydiehl @SiR_GameZaloT I suspect that this may not hold up going forward as well as it has in the past. That’s not to say it shouldn’t, only that it might be unsuppressable info. To restrict search may come across as a lack of transparency or censorship so many esteem even if it means a loss of privacy. Wasn’t there an Alaska Daily episode that suggested the public’s right to know trumps privacy? I am not a journalist myself, but this seems irresistible to me to share, perhaps worse for a journalist. But then, I know little.
@amydiehl @SiR_GameZaloT what other mechanisms could there be?
@mguhlin @amydiehl search can be limited (somewhat like facebook already does) - people decide whether they want their names or posts to appear in searches for anyone, just for friends, or not at all.
Admins/Moderators can also be given tools to block search functions for stalkers and trolls.
Stuff like that.
I'm not sure if its codeable into the current protocol though, dont know much about programming.
Next question…how do we archive/ bookmark toots like this ?
I keep seeing posts about this Mastodon tool which you can use to find other users here and on Twitter. I am new here, but as I understand the culture here, this seems to be some of worst things, the new users could do to annoy the old mastodon users. Qualitative researchers might want to dig into this, and find out, how this affects the cultural integration process
@amydiehl The site was flagged as having a trojan by Malwarebytes. Now that in itself does not mean there is an issue just wanted to let you know.
@thecheese @malwareinfosec It looks like Malwarebytes is still reporting a false positive on this tool. Any ideas? @dcid
@amydiehl @thecheese @dcid I’m told this *should* be fixed
@amydiehl @thecheese @malwareinfosec Can you check if it is good now?
@dcid @amydiehl @malwareinfosec I still got the malware message
@thecheese @dcid @amydiehl checking again (3rd attempt)...
@thecheese @dcid @amydiehl looks like the block is finally gone
@malwareinfosec @dcid @amydiehl on my cell phone the link is blocked by Verizon
@thecheese @malwareinfosec @dcid I have Verizon and tried the link from my cell phone (Android phone with chrome browser) and it works for me. What browser or app are you using on your phone?
@amydiehl @malwareinfosec @dcid Chrome with the Malwarebytes extension
@amydiehl It worked fine in TOR.. so what do I know :)
@amydiehl This list is awesome. Thank you so much.