@amadeus if you just want to browse files you can use fish:// in kde atleast. Its an enhanced fs over ssh.
@bdiederik Will check that out, thanks!
SSHFS in my case. It lets me browse files with Nautilus. But more than a question of security, it was far more reliable than SMB, whose large transfers all too often failed.
@gnomelibre That sounds very interesting, thank you!
@amadeus My experience is that NFS is faster and more reliable than all other options (for a Linux-only ecosystem). It also depends on what your concerns over security are... The weak point of most home security is usually iffy domestic modem / routers, rather than NAS protocol choice, anyway.
@mxv I have had the same experience in terms of NFS performance. So far I haven't set up #encryption or #kerberos for NFS and simply allowed my computer's IPs for NFS on the NAS. Further more a relatively restrictive #firewall is running on both my computers and the NAS. So far I have been a bit shy to start setting up NFS encryption and/or kerberos.
@amadeus If you're only connecting to the NAS from within your local network, with only a couple of people using it, then in my experience its not worth extra security measures. 99.9% of the time it's better to redirect the effort to making a second backup of the data, rather than beefing up security. ;-)
@mxv Thanks for sharing your experience. I found using NFS a bit strange from the beginning, like, you know, without username and password. But I think you're right.
@amadeus `sshfs` via SSH, `smb`, `nfs`, and `iscsi`...I think I've got them all covered. I also use Nautilus via mounting the share using `smb4k`.
@jamesthebard Thank you, I will look into this!
@amadeus I tried to make a NAS with my Raspbbery Pi 4 and I always connected via SSH - so I recommend SSH.
@amadeus I avoid NFS like fire. If server goes down, it's impossible to unmount the directory on the client.
As my laptop can at one time be at home and another far away, I prefer more flexible solutions. Like NextCloud, where some files I can keep synchronized and other I can access via web interface or download when needed.
Also ssh/scp, because it already works.
@etam Interesting point! Thanks for sharing.
@amadeus @neurologo it depends on what do want to do. For acceding files in my LAN I use NFS. For configs, ssh. I think that NFS is as secure as your LAN.