My phone is now 6 years old. It still has all the performance I need and probably will for years to come. But it hasn't received an update for years due to capitalism. Therefore, for security reasons, I should have replaced it years ago (can't afford to though). There should be laws against this kind of fabricated bs obsolescence.
#smartphones #capitalism #obsolescence
@macberg Maybe install #lineageos or even #linuxmobile (if supported) on it?
@QuadRadical @macberg Last year I bought this rather amazing #smartphone with user #replaceable #battery, #trippleslot #dualsim, beautiful #display and reasonable #cpu #gpu #performance and have been wondering ever since if I could run any alternative #rom or even #linux on it. Need to look into this soon.
@amadeus @macberg I'd reccomend looking at XDA for Roms! As for mobile linux, it isn't supported by #pmOS (#postmarketos) so you will need to port it.
@QuadRadical @macberg Will look into this for sure. Thanks for sharing!