Ain't No Mo' by Jordan E. Cooper (2019) at Center Stage #theater in #baltimore.
It's a pretty full house here but not packed. Also, they still enforce masks here.
8:14 and not started...
@YosefKuperman went to the Hippodrome last night and saw the Tina Turner musical and it was packed to the gills
@ItsSheVee Hipp has a different market. When I saw Hamilton, it was sold out and barely a mask in site. Center Stage was lagging attendance wise a bit.
@ItsSheVee Oddly, this show just went to Broadway, making this the most Hipp-like show I've seen at Center Stage.
@YosefKuperman yeah they said they recommend masks but nothing beyond that. That said, I'm not aware of any major increases in cases and I've gotten my bivalent booster so I have been dialing back my mask usage
@ItsSheVee I got my booster and my flu shot together. Keeping up masking seems like a half measure, not worth the inconvenience if nobody else does. (Basically I follow the crowd.)