AP: Egg prices continue to hit records as Easter and Passover approach https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/egg-prices-continue-to-hit-records-as-easter-and-passover-approach #eggs #inflation #birdflu
I'm not one to start any rumours ... ... but I reckon UK eggs are being smuggled into the US.
Eggs have been rare in shops during the last month and I don't think we're having significant supply issues. The only thing to do is not spray the lion mark on them.
Even worse, if they are being smuggled then they are probably being flown to the US (by jet!).
We're in Milo Minderbinder territory, now!
@miguelpergamon @ai6yr If I hadn't knew better, I would thought this is an elevator pitch for new Coen brothers movie.
@agturcz @miguelpergamon @ai6yr
What's it called? "Catch 23"?
I hear the distant sound of Hollywood agents slobbering to get into a series with ALREADY 23 films, and no upper limit. Barbarians at the west coast!
@WellsiteGeo @agturcz @miguelpergamon @ai6yr The Madness of Capt Yossarian