A song that reminds you of summer:
“Bad Girls” by Donna Summer, 1979
…not because of Donna’s last name, but because Bad Girls was topping the charts the summer I turned 13. My besties choreographed special dance moves to this song (toot toot hey) while we spent endless days in my neighbor’s swimming pool.
A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget:
“You Look So Good in Love” - George Strait
Hadn’t thought about it in years, but some #TheVoice contestant sang it recently & brought memory of a breakup (over 30 years ago). We both already knew it was over. He kept blasting this song over & over in his truck when we were going somewhere & I knew it wasn’t about me. The 4th time he played it, I shouted the lyrics at top of my lungs just for laughs.
(I’m gonna attach days 1 & 2 to this thread. Meant to do it this way from the start)
#Day1: a song you like with a color in title: “Soft and Blue” by The #BrothersComatose
#Day2: a song you like with a numbers in the title: “#StrawberryLetter23 by #ShuggieOtis
(also #BrothersJohnson is the first version I fell in love with hearing it on AM radio when I was a little kid. Discovering Shuggie came much later & just made me love the song even more.)
A song that needs to be played loud: “(Ain’t nothin’ but a) House Party” J. Geils Band, live album version Blow Your Face Out.
Another one of my older sister’s records. Sets the party mood & obviously must have volume set to a high level in order to blow any faces out.
A song that makes you want to dance:
“Soul Man” Sam & Dave
I hear this song & I channel my inner John Belushi & it’s not pretty. It’s just hard to sit still and listen to Soul Man.
A song to drive to:
“Thumbelina” - Pretenders
“Hush little darling
Go to sleep
Look out the window
And count the sheep
That dot the hillsides
In the fields of wheat
Across America
As we cross America
What's important
Here today
The broken line
On the highway”
A song about drugs or alcohol:
“No No Song” - Ringo Starr
“I’m tired of waking up on the floor” As a child when this song came out, it was just funny to me. Despite the warning however, in my college years, I would learn firsthand what the lyrics really meant. Sure, there are a lot of scarier, sadder, more serious songs about drug & alcohol abuse, I just like the simple message of this one: if you can’t find the door, you’ve got problems
A song that makes you happy:
“Grill the Sucker” #TheBadlees
Instrumental intro tune to regional #Pennsylvania band’s 1995 album #RiverSongs. On first release this was the very first track, but the second release, on Polydor/Atlas label, stupidly rearranged the order & buried it. It makes me happy knowing where the track belongs. But mostly I just like mandolins and waiting for the big clap sound. (was really fun at their live shows)
A song that makes you sad: “Ahead By a Century” by The #TragicallyHip
Not because the song is sad (it’s bittersweet), but because it was theme song to #AnneWithAnE—series I binged when pandemic started & then they cancelled it after season 3, which was very disappointing.
“First thing we'd climb a tree
And maybe then we'd talk
Or sit silently
And listen to our thoughts
With illusions of someday
Cast in a golden light
No dress rehearsal
This is our life”
A song that you never get tired of:
“A Bit of Alright” by Paul Pena
“Let me sing this song for you,
It might be old, it might be new,
Might be something you can use,
When the blues get the best of you”
First discovered #PaulPena when a Pandora algorithm dropped his original “Jet Airliner” in mix. (I knew Steve Miller Band cover). Looked him up, bought digital copy of his New Train album & loved it! Bit of Alright is my fave track.
A song from your preteen years: “Love You Inside and Out” the #BeeGees
another song my preteen besties & I had meticulously choreographed dance moves/modified sign language for. I was lucky to have a friend who appreciated knowing all lyrics to every song in the Top 40.
A song from the 70s:
“Jazzman” by Carole King
“When the jazzman's testifyin' a faithless man believes
He can sing you into paradise or bring you to your knees
It's a gospel kind of feelin', a touch of Georgia slide
A song of pure revival and a style that's sanctified
Jazzman take my blues away, make my pain
The same as yours with every change you play”
Lisa Simpson & Bleeding Gums Murphy knew.
A song you’d love to be played at your wedding:
“If There’s Love” Citizen Cope
I love the line “You make me feel like I belong under the sun”
Married for 27 years & still love belonging under the sun.
A song you like that’s a #cover by another artist:
“Take a Giant Step” - #TajMahal— song written by #CaroleKing & #GerryGoffin for the #Monkees & released as B side to “Last Train to Clarksville” August 1966. Taj Mahal *cover* was released in 1969.
So… is it really a “cover” or just another artist having a go at a King/Goffin song?
Taj’s daughter Deva also covered Giant Step in 2018. Lucky me has seen both Mahals perform it live!
A song that’s a classic favorite: “#Heroes” - #DavidBowie (all David Bowie songs are #classics, right?)
Loved this song from the very first time I saw Bowie perform it live during the #SeriousMoonlight tour in 1981. & then came the ending of #JojoRabbit & loved it even more.
“Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day”
A song you’d sing a duet with someone on karaoke: “Jackson” - the Johnny Cash/June Carter Cash version. (The odds of me ever actually performing karaoke are quite slim. It looks like a ton of fun, I’m just never around people or occasions where karaoke happens.)
A song from the year you were born: “I am a Rock” Simon & Garfunkel (#PaulSimon)
My oldest sister had Sounds of Silence album—it’s one of my earliest memories of music. Even as a small kid I kinda admired the resolve that strong people (rocks) know it’s okay to be alone (for a while anyway), with books & stuff in a cozy room… that’s actually pretty cool (as long as you’re not *completely* shut off like a island or whatever)
A song that makes you think about life:
The Weight — The Band
THE ensemble rock classic, has been covered a zillion times. I admit, at first I just thought it was a great soundtrack song for the morning after scene in The Big Chill (movie that makes me think about life). I like that it’s about sharing each other’s burdens when life gets too heavy. (Quite the swing from I am a Rock yesterday, huh?)
Read the Wikipedia page:
A song that has many meanings to you: #Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
Whenever I hear this 80s pop confection I imagine there are many as many different interpretations of *heaven* as there are people on earth. Warren Zevon once said “enjoy every sandwich”. I like to enjoy (almost) every song. I love learning about what songs everyone else likes.
A song you like with a person’s name in the title: “Angeline is Coming Home” - The Badlees
Video cracks me up b/c it was a *big deal* A&M hired actor Anthony (Goose) Edwards to direct & he got ER costar Juliana Marguiles to *star*—turning recovering addict Angeline character into a cheesy *tortured artist* thing. I wished they would’ve filmed outside, on location in rural central PA where locals have “bathtub virgins” in their yards.
A song that moves you forward:
Wash Your Face In My Sink - Dream Warriors
“The attempt of an attempt well tried
Well your side tried
But my side will never be denied
Cause I'm swinging it stinging neglection
With an injection of truth
I've come to untwist the twisted youth
How does it feel now that I've got you all to think?
Yeah, and wash your face in my sink”
A song you think everyone should listen to: “We Could Fly” - Rhiannon Giddens
The very first time I heard this song it was performed live at a music fest in Williamsburg, VA. The dream of freedom was very different for 50% of colonial south.
“Mama, dear mama, come and stand by me
I feel a lightness in my feet, a longing to be free
My heart it is a-shakin' with an old, old song
I hear the voices sayin', it's time for moving on”
A song by a band you wish was still together:
“D’Yer Mak’er” - Led Zeppelin
I guess I just wish Bonham hadn’t died so young, really. They’d probably have stuck together for a few more decades and cranked out a few more classics. Anyway, I appreciated them & their influence.
@DefiantJZ good choice from an excellent album. #HousesOfTheHoly is underrated and I still have the vinyl!