@GatekeepKen @SteveBologna I fucking hate him!!
@otownKim @SteveBologna
I love the way you sugar coat it Kim.....
@GatekeepKen @SteveBologna Hahahahah. I literally wish he would die. Seriously! He's not going to ever go to prison so dying would be great!! Never having to hear his fat sphincter face again! Plus I would have a place to visit and spit on!
@SteveBologna @otownKim @GatekeepKen I scan the internet every morning in hopes of an entry!
@GatekeepKen @luv_wins @otownKim I really appreciate Melania being there
@SteveBologna @luv_wins @otownKim
You know she hates him. She'll sell every single property she can.
@GatekeepKen @luv_wins @otownKim I’m stealing this
@SteveBologna @otownKim @GatekeepKen now that Kissinger is gone
@geographile @otownKim @GatekeepKen As a Vietnam era vet I can’t agree more. I missed going over by a whisker and I ended up in Germany instead. I’m forever grateful for sloppy army paperwork
@SteveBologna @otownKim @GatekeepKen I'm glad you weren't killed.
@SteveBologna @otownKim @GatekeepKen with our luck they will discover immortality and make him the first Guinea pig
@JonChevreau @SteveBologna @GatekeepKen noooooooooooooooo!
@SteveBologna @otownKim @GatekeepKen I’m saving up urine to water his grave.