I don't understand the deer hunting process. My cousins get up early, wear special clothes, cover them selves in a special scent, and sit in a special tree house and then wait. They wait for the deer.
Meanwhile I get 5-20 deer visiting my house a few times a day. I can waddle outside and they don't even run. They always stand real still for pictures if they see me.
@RochelleWinsLife Same here. Whenever I want to hunt for meat, I go to the grocery store and walk down the meat aisle. I never miss.
@nbeiser85 If that ever fails for me, I can shoot from the comfort of my couch. I much prefer the grocery store though.
I know what you mean. I have to bring the birdfeeders inside in the early morning or the deer wipe them out. I live in a city, but that city is on the border of a National Forest, so this is how it is.
Your deer may just be thumbing their noses at the hunters.
@AndyLowry The deer are the worst for sharing. They will eat your entire yard. I've never had a problem with the bird feeders though... or so I thought! Maybe I've been blaming the squirrels in error!! I will keep an eye out now.
Good job. Now your cousins will come to your house and shoot your deer.
@zaivala They don't like me very much. I'm not worried. :)
That's good. Wish I had that many deer here
@RochelleWinsLife saw a dozen deer grazing and calm on tonight’s dog walk let them finish dinner and went the other way
@zoeforman There something nice about seeing that- as long its not your garden. Haha. Thanks for sharing.
@RochelleWinsLife Sounds like you need to invest in a bow and some arrows