He had me in tears. He reminded me so much of my father in law who was Canadian ex-Airforce guy. So plainspoken and genuine and so, so, so Canadian.
@Beedazzled He’s just a Canadian guy who has a YouTube channel where he fixes old radios, usually, I think.
Poisoning relations is what Trump has accomplished, with frankly the dumber half of the populations of both Canada and the US.
Being confronted by Canadians with overgeneralized anger like this guy is a reason NOT to travel to Canada until this thing blows over.
Unless of course, you feel like answering to Random Canadian Fascists who notice your license plate or credit card and accost you to put you on trial for what someone whom you politically despise has done to them existentially?
These toxic encounters and speeches are hard to erase from your memory, as they are intended to poison friendly feelings.
Spare yourself the pain and stay at home.
But I guess we can all take solace in knowing soapboxing MAGAS of a different stripe are in every nation, and if the world is undergoing yet another global political struggle with ideology, we at least know what side of the political fence the awakened toxicity is coming from. (HINT: political fences exist in EVERY nation)
This may end up in WWIII but you won't be blaming "Americans" for it, if you have once ounce of intellectual honesty.
The rise of global fascism is what has been awoken.