@PaulDitz They are so incredibly stupid people and of course they don't realize it -,-
@PaulDitz Next on their agenda will be changing the name of the school.
@PaulDitz I can't wait till the right wing, proud boys decide that air is bad for you ... Could be a good day ... Giggles
@PaulDitz They keep doing this because nobody is stopping them. By force.
@aka_quant_noir @PaulDitz Force is what it's going to take, They're armed to the teeth, just daring us. Obviously, that have no capability of reasoning.
All this book banning legislation is modern day book burning, as it achieving the purpose of restricting access to the books contents and concepts - physically and digitally.
@PaulDitz I only see 2022 news on this.
@PaulDitz The GQP wants to breed more butthurt White racist ignorant followers since they are losing their base!
@PaulDitz These are the same people who attack "#Wokism"... ie: "*reactionary* activists who blindly push for social change." #WhiteWoke
@PaulDitz Southlake is regionally notorious for this shit, a town built on "white flight"
@PaulDitz that’s when you know it’s all about plain ignorant racism.
@PaulDitz@mstdn.social "First thing they did was outlaw the truth. " - Don't Be A Sucker short film
@PaulDitz Nothing says "FREEDOM!" like a good book banning!
Would you have a link to that article?
The world, while still laughing at the UK is laughing even harder at the US.
On vacation recently and we met some Brits and Germans. We all couldn't understand how Right Wing Fascists and idiots keep getting elected in spite of them being demonstrably wrong about everything, and destructive to society.
This is from last August. The entire book wasn't banned (it was to be used for 7th grade), but the chapter on lynchings was.
Some more from the local FOX affiliate...
@PaulDitz More and more backwards by the day.
@PaulDitz I looked this up hoping it wasn’t true. But it is, of course.
It's not a recent event, this happened last August.
@PaulDitz The Taliban states of America banning books again, unbelievable that you fought them for years and now you are adopting their approach to many daily issues
@PaulDitz I wonder when the burning of Books will start… that’s how it always begins?