Managed to #repair an annoying rattle in my old #Aeropex (a common problem with the older models apparently) using a small hand-drill & some #Sugru, prolonging their life & saving them from becoming #ewaste. Sound & microphone are working fine after the #fix & I'm feeling proud of having saved myself approx. €130 (the difference between the cost of the repair kit vs a new pair of headphones).
@NudelnAlDente mine became wild rattley since you mentioned it.
@triploidtree Mine had been mildly rattly for years but a week or so ago it was like something properly came loose & they were clinking constantly. The solution is easy enough, although it's worth checking the comments on the video re placement of the hole so you don't accidentally break the PCB & don't over fill with sugru.
@triploidtree Oh & I used the 1.8mm bit rather than 1.5.
@NudelnAlDente that's what mine is doing! Clacking as I walk, and it's hard to hide on phonecalls or podcasts
@triploidtree Time for some sugru!