The Office That Investigates Disparities in Veterans’ Care Is Being “Liquidated”
The closure effectively hobbles the VA’s efforts to investigate and eliminate long-standing racial inequities that the department itself has acknowledged. “The consequences will be dire, wide-reaching and deadly,” an advocate for Black veterans said.
The John Birch Society's legacy of attacks on public health, education, and voting are motivated by racism & segregation.
Even in 1962 most people thought they were crazy.
The Chad Mitchell Trio: The John Birch Society
The "Saving Us from the Scourge of Communism" was always the favorite pretext of the followers of John Birch.
It was always about disenfranchising black and brown voters & ending the civil rights of workers, women, POC, and immigrants.
As the Koch family worked for Hitler's regime and remains aligned with petrostate despots MBS and Putin.