#GQP "freedom":
-- not allowed to wear what you like
-- not allowed to read what you like
-- not allowed to be gay or trans
-- not allowed to learn what you like at school or uni
-- not allowed to protest
-- not allowed to buy or sell abortion pills
But you *can* carry as many guns as you want.
@Nigel_Purchase Mind the children who ste starved becsuse their families live below the poverty line….
@Nigel_Purchase no, no, *they* can carry as many guns as they , on the other hand, can’t.
Your are so right..unfortunately
I wrote something about gun violence...not long ago..
Inspired by 2 people here on mastodon...
@Nigel_Purchase T. H. I. S.
@Nigel_Purchase the guns---only til they take charge, see how fast they limit guns of anyone they think might threaten that control---if they get it.
Ah, but you're free to pollute, free to cheat, and free to be a bigot.
This is true freedom (tm)!
But can Steve Bannon or former President Trump actually carry guns as convicted felons?
Heck, I wonder if they can even vote.
@TopKnot oh mate, your faith in the legal system is adorable. @Nigel_Purchase
@Nigel_Purchase *No guns at NRA or GQP events, please.
@Jon_Kramer @Nigel_Purchase it's a silly double-standard
at the rnc, guns were fine once you made it inside the ‘soft zone.’ ideologically speaking, they have to support it. however, no stainless steel water bottles, no large backpacks, no canned soup¹ etc
¹ for my family. they literally banned it based on that
Only Americans fail to see the absolute imbecility of the USA's attitude to gun ownership.
Everyone else in the world laughs at the 'ammosexuality' of the US male!
@Paulos_the_fog @Nigel_Purchase Not "all" Americans.
@Paulos_the_fog @Nigel_Purchase Many Americans do not fail to see and would prefer to get rid of them.
@ike @Nigel_Purchase
When I was living in Thailand, I got chatting to an American would be retiree to Thailand in a bar.
One of the first things that came up in our conversation was guns. He asked me if I knew whether you needed a permit for a firearm in Thailand and if so how to go about getting a permit for a concealed carry handgun.
When I informed him that you did indeed need a permit to own and carry a firearm, and that as a foreigner, he didn't stand a cat in Hell's chance of ever getting one, He looked distinctly crestfallen, dare I say grief stricken, even. Our conversation ended shortly after that and I heard from other people who lived in the same hotel as he had booked when he arrived that he had decided that Thailand was not for him and had left the country altogether.
I'm not sure whether to find it amusing or sad that an American thinks that things are going to be exactly the same in other countries as they are in the United States or that the inability to own and carry firearms was a deal breaker for his retirement plans.