St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, the evidence for this being that there are no snakes in Ireland that are not owned by zoos or goths.
In the same way, St Patrick must have driven the moles out of Ireland, because there are no moles. Maybe he was a golfer and they ruined the greens.
Anyway, hardware chain B&Q apparently did not know this and stocked sonic mole repellers in Northern Irish stores for years, where they never sold.
@fkamiah17 @HarriettMB @Sarahw The BBC story there is only one of the four separate occasions over a 20 year period where it has made the news that B&Q are stocking mole repellers again.
@Nickiquote @fkamiah17 @HarriettMB
Again? Bad planning the first time, but stocking them again?
@Sarahw @fkamiah17 @HarriettMB 1998, 2008, 2012 and 2014, apparently.
@Nickiquote That’s the most Irish news I’ve ever seen!
@Nickiquote fabulous story
This is not true. I saw an Irish woman with a mole.
@Nerde She just have bought it on holiday.
I did not know that about moles.
@Nickiquote In these days of #enshittification I'm amazed they didn't introduce moles just to make the sales.