Tech bros: AI will make things cheaper and faster and eliminate jobs
China: Makes an AI that is cheaper and faster and eliminates tech bro jobs
Tech bros: Not like that!
@Moriel I don't understand it at all. All I know is I hate the AI icon. I avoid it at all costs.
@jennyarntzen @Moriel Good life choices!
@jennyarntzen @Moriel Snake oil. My view: they cannot make an OCR (Optical Character Reader) that can read typewritten documents accurately (trust me, I transcribe many). AI, is good at predicting what word comes next, only, without regard to substance. So far, it's essentially a major imbecile. I always hear AI words in the voice of Mortimer Snerd (a dopey character on Edgar Bergen's show) - black and white TV
@LittleTownJane @jennyarntzen @Moriel hii, how is that? Why has AI just a predictive function? Do you know any source where I can ready or get some information about that?
@Moriel i am glad China did it :)
@Moriel this is so validating I cannot explain. Let them burn. Let them all burn.
@Moriel Brilliant. Just Brilliant!
Here is what is really messed up. The owner of the Chinese AI is following the tech-bro play book. He is giving away the service so that people use it just like Facebook did with it's platform and Google did with search. Lyft and Uber operated at a loss for years to compete with taxis.
That is step one.
What is really smart is the Chinese released the AI while American AI companies have the largest amount of debt and the revenue stream is weak on AI.