Well, Nancy, that's what happens when you prop up a dictatorship that's destroying people's lives. If you're too scared to face your constituents NOW, imagine how it's going to be when you destroy their Medicaid and SNAP! Make better decisions, Congresswoman.
@MaryAustinBooks I wonder how that will work out for her when reelection time comes.
Right?? And I am wondering whether it's even going to come to that. As the crap hits the fan we might see resignations. Good Lord, I made a joke about that a month ago but now am starting to think that might be the most peaceful, normal looking way this could play out.
@MaryAustinBooks @pedrobizbikedu
I hope we see either resignations or them voted out. Because the scary part is Trump saying previously the Christians won't have to vote anymore if they vote for him. And project 2025 which he knew absolutely nothing about and was crazy and is now following will make it very hard for many of us to vote. Plus who knows one false flag and he gets to play dictator.
@nerb @pedrobizbikedu
Exactly. We can't wait for 2026. I still have hope we stop this: they are wrecking the country so fast that, as the popular sign at protests says, "They want 1930's Germany. They'll get 1790's France." I do not want violence- tyrants fall because of people willing to die, not people willing to kill- but I fear we'll be seeing it in the coming months as they strip what's left of the social safety net for parts. And the violence will probably be from MAGA.