Success!! I made my pallet compost bins (minus one pallet). The one in the middle should slide out to allow us to transfer compost from side one to side two. Made from heat-treated pallets collected for free, some pieces of wood from a disintegrating picnic table the last owners left, some buckthorn sticks, and a handful of screws from a box of 500 I bought several years ago, knowing I'd eventually find uses for them.
@MCDuncanLab @laurenheywood
I have some pallets which I was going to deconstruct and then make a compost bin. I didn't want the gaps in the wall. But I guess yours is a good solution so I might try that instead.
Seems to be ok so far. I figured I could always stuff some chicken wire or fabric on the sides if it was spilling out too much.
At my last house, in CA, I did use whole pallets but i had some fibre board which was originally a circular composter. I straightened it out and lined the inside. I don't have anything like that now but I guess chicken wire or some old chicken feed bags would work. Oh wait, I don't have chickens anymore