Hey fellow Americans! Please show up for your state's 50501 protest on Wednesday at your state capitol building.
50 states, 50 protests, 1 day.
I know it's a work day for most, but it's happening from 12-7pm. If it's possible, show up and let your voice be heard.
Bonus points: print some copies of the poster for your state and put them up them around your town!
Please boost. We desperately need some anti-fash energy.
Just wanted to let everyone know that people in my neck of the woods (NH) showed up in some pretty great numbers for our #50501 #protest today. People and passers-by were incredibly enthusiastic. There was so much great energy. The signage was epic.
It was a truly grassroots effort with no major organizations behind it. Just a lot of people who needed to get together and say some things.
The prevailing attitude was that this would be the first protest of many.
Oh, and while there were plenty of fuck-Trump chants, the villain of the #protest was definitely Elon. In case you're keeping score.
@alisynthesis for every bit of hatred and disgust I might have for the orange rapist, he was at least (mostly) legitimately voted in on the platform he is following.
You can't say that for the wannabe Emperor of a world that doesn't want him in it.
I am still hoping they both head to Mars, there's so much prime beachfront real-estate to develop there and it's dirt cheap and regulation free! It's surely Agent Orange's wet dream.
@Lorry @alisynthesis Elon Musk's "I want to go to Mars" shtick is exactly that - a shtick. It's a scam and nobody should give him a nickel towards that goal.
@AlgoCompSynth @alisynthesis I wonder if he believes it at all, or if it's just a Ketamine filled brain worm delusion.
@Lorry @AlgoCompSynth I wonder if there's any difference at this point for him.
@AlgoCompSynth @Lorry @alisynthesis
Oh, I´d personally push the launch button. Let him play The Martian all by himself.
@martinlentink @AlgoCompSynth @Lorry The world needs a hyper-realistic version of The Martian movie poster with Elon's face instead of Matt Damon's.
Imagine if he really found himself in that situation. He would be so fucked.
@alisynthesis @martinlentink @Lorry The point is that the tech bros who grew up reading classic science fiction did not tumble on the fact that it's about *human* emotions / behavior / drama on *Earth*, just like all other fiction.
I didn't get into science fiction until I was in grad school, so I didn't grow up dreaming of flying cars or hanging out with Wye Knott on the Moon.
@AlgoCompSynth Imagine where we'd be if he'd read Tau Zero instead of whatever Mars pulp he was consuming - Although I guess he'd still hate women.
@Lorry Or Left Hand of Darkness.