Waiting for mismatched boobs to come back in style.
Former LadyO used to get me to check her "alignment" before she headed out.
"Right's camber is out a couple of degrees."
She'd adjust.
"Okay, bye!"
Hahaha! No one wants to throw people off with a nipple pointed east and one pointed north-west!
Or maybe I do...
@LikeItOrLumpIt sounds like a great theme for a runway show
They're the best sort.
They were never out of style
mammary allsorts.
@Theosoreass @LikeItOrLumpIt You could have a blue boobie bra.
@mooseandriosmom @LikeItOrLumpIt now im in a rabbit hole of my own petard
@LikeItOrLumpIt as a popular social media influencer, I'm confident you could start the trend. Let the influencing commence!
Aren’t we all?!
@LikeItOrLumpIt I know nothing about style but I do know that asymmetrical boobs are far more common than perfectly symmetrical boobs