We've gotten a new bottle baby since the calico, who is now back at the shelter. #Fosterkittens
@3goodthings #threegoodthings #3goodthings
1. Got a new foster kitten to keep the current one company (pic)
2. Got groceries
3. Added to my base in #NoMansSky
Gregory the Great had his dove. I have George. #AcademicsWithCats
Their neuter/spay appoinment is on 1/21, so they should be up for adoption at the #Lexington Humane Society soon afterwards : https://lexingtonhumanesociety.org/adopt-love/
@KentNavalesi oh sweet babies! I’m sure they’ll get adopted super quick once they’re available
That's what we've had to tell ourselves several times so as not to keep them.
@KentNavalesi I mean if they can’t find other people in a month I think that’s fair game to go back and get them that little floofy one seems to have a lot of personality, and who doesn’t like a pastel blue tabby?