It’s another blow to the #Met police and #Tory party that their attempts to criminalise Greta #Thunberg and other climate protestors has failed because of the sloppiness of police communications.
But what’s also striking is the judge drew attention to the fact this was peaceful, non-violent protest that impeded no one…so why the rush to prosecute?
‘The judge said the protest was “throughout peaceful, civilised and non-violent”
“It is quite striking to me that there were no witness statements taken from anyone in the hotel, approximately 1,000 people, or from anyone trying to get in. There was no evidence of any vehicles being impeded, no evidence of any interference with emergency services, or any risk to life.”’
So why, when #Thunberg and other protestors were no physical threat or inconvenience to anyone, were they charged and taken to court?
What purpose did this serve to the public?
It feels like the purpose of police actions was simply to strike fear into other protestors, to prevent them from protesting on this issue again.
The exact kind of anti-democratic behaviour that the UN raised its concerns about in relation to the UK and climate protestors just a matter of days ago.
@JugglingWithEggs isn't the answer per usual - Tories?
The UN rapporteurs are right to raise those concerns (one reported on Australia). They haven't come to the United States yet, where draconian anti-protest laws are also put in place, at the egging on by ALEC who sometimes offers to write the language for state legislatures.
It is totally to strike fear into would-be protestors.
I remember the 2019 prorogation demonstrations in London. The police used ambulances (driven by cops) as battering rams to clear the streets, driving them at crowds. It's a ploy to get grounds for arrest: if you stand your ground then you're "blocking emergency services."
There is nothing good about the Met, and that's not a problem that can be solved by changing the person at the top or even a NI-style name change. The problem is systemic.
‘A Freedom of Information request answered by London Ambulance Service stated that during the October 2021 protests, “there were no reports of any incidents noted under the category ‘Transport delays’…and there were also no delays noted with the Duty Incident Delivery Manager”. The reality is that ambulances are always diverted based on contingent road conditions’
@JugglingWithEggs can the police be charged with wasting police time?
@bobthomson70 they will refer themselves to themselves for investigation
similar in Germany
"Klimakleber" terrorists
"concerned farmers" with big machines
both blocking traffic. one group putting their own life in danger doing it for a greater good, the other group putting other's life in danger for their own profits.
@JugglingWithEggs Last year the police arrested and detained a journalist covering a Just Stop Oil protest. They tried, unsuccessfully, to bully the journalist into revealing information about their sources. That event, and this, are instances of an authoritarian streak in British policing that has always existed. (See for example the miners strike, Hillsborough, etc.) It needs to change, but that will only happen if the people of the UK withdraw consent from this type of policing.
@JugglingWithEggs Exactly, as with other heavy handed policing (arresting women holding a peaceful vigil to protest - checks notes - police brutality to women) and others, they know they can't get charges to stick, it is about making people think twice and maybe decide not to join a protest. Another reason why the police have lost so much trust from the public they are meant to serve