I'm pleased to announce Computer History Museum's oral history of John Chambers, whose Bell Labs S language evolved into the R language widely used in #statistics #computing, verey important in that field, good example of raising level of work.
I enjoyed doing the interview, my 10 years at #BellLabs overlapped with John's long career there. Although we never met then, we certainly knew folks in common.
John, I've been reading and enjoying CHM's oral histories as a major downtime feature this past year.
I'm not sure how I didn't realize you were working on these. Here's a belated thanks. And to the rest of the crew doing those.
Volatile human memory: do backups while it's available!
Thanks!... Recall I'm a Trustee there, I've been doing oral histories for years (including of course, my own & being in one for MIPS). #ComputerHistoryMuseum