Dear Florida Republicans.
President Biden and
Vice President Harris won't deny you any help with the hurricane you're about to have.
If the situation was reversed, you know trump wouldn't do the same.
Trump would play politics with peoples lives.
It's time to put country before party.
It's beyond time.
@JoeyBoughtACola How did the psychopathic Trump clan deliberately refuse to save American lives threatened by the deadly Coronavirus, when occupying White House?
One attendee explained to Kushner that due to the finite supply of PPE, Americans were bidding against each other and driving prices up. To solve that, businesses eager to help were looking to the federal government for leadership and direction.
“Free markets will solve this,” Kushner said dismissively. “That is not the role of government.”
The same attendee explained that although he believed in open markets, he feared that the system was breaking. As evidence, he pointed to a CNN report about New York governor Andrew Cuomo and his desperate call for supplies.
“That’s the CNN bullshit,” Kushner snapped. “They lie.”
According to another attendee, Kushner then began to rail against the governor: “Cuomo didn’t pound the phones hard enough to get PPE for his state…. His people are going to suffer and that’s their problem.”
Never expect Kamala Harris & Tim Walz to act as heartless & uncompassionate as that!
#RuleOfLaw #Trump #CriminallyNegligentManslaughter #Coronavirus #COVID #Kushner #GrossNegligence #BreachOfDuty #RegisterToVote #GOTV #VOTE #Democracy #KamalaHarris #TimWalz #HarrisWalz #Election2024 #USPol #USPolitics #Law