The Department of Defense deemed a story about baseball hero and civil rights leader Jackie Robinson's time in the Army as "DEI" and deleted it.
Yeah, making AmeriKKKa whyte again.
#blackhistory2025 #BlackMastodon #BlackLivesMatter
@JaniceOCG I believe in DEIA and that it is an invaluable tool for reaching a more perfect union. Mr. Robinson is a national and international hero and no one can take that away. If they label a story about him as DEI then, good! If they delete its publication because they classify it as DEI then it’s just a reflection of their ignorance. Mr. Robinson is the epitome of DEIA and he gives me a reason to fight for my country.
Thanks for your response. It is not just as simple as ignorance. Far more insidious than ignorance. Far more vile, hateful, and dangerous. These acts are acts of exterminating and erasure of people and their history that do not fit into the country that they want or ever wanted. "They" want their country back and now "they" are decision-makers in this government.
@JaniceOCG I agree.