The year is 2025, do you have a traditional clock radio by your bedside?
1990 - 2010 may include a tape, CD, MP3 player, CB radio or police scanner.
Smartphone could also include a commercial smart home device such as Alexa or an open source alternative.
The dates refer to the device age NOT your age.
Some people might have a traditional clock radio tuned to the 6 meter band. Unfortunately when the alert goes off and the radio engages the only thing they hear is SSB static.
@HopelessDemigod And that static promptly puts you back to sleep.
It would for me.
@HopelessDemigod I answered “yes, since 2010” because I do technically have a clock radio on my nightstand but it’s built into one of those wake up lights (that I don’t currently use as an alarm because I get up ~3 hours before my wife)
Never seen one of those before.
@Athena @HopelessDemigod I tried it. It was effective in waking me up. However, part of the wake up experience was asking “what idiot turned on the lights” only to remember I was that idiot.
At one point I inherited a westclox big ben with enough radium on the dial to send a Geiger counter berserk from 6 feet away.
I don't remember what came of it, but that's probably just as well.
Just reading this made me uneasy. You definitely don’t want that in a room next to you while you sleep.
Probably not what you'd want over an extended period, say years, but for a shorter timeframe, no appreciable risk.
(I used to work with things quite a bit hotter than that & still unscathed!)
@HopelessDemigod Although not a clock radio per se, I still have a GE Superadio II for AM/FM listening.
SRs are well-regarded by MW DX types.
@HopelessDemigod Get... Of... My... Lawn...