Does anyone have a picture of any of the anti-USA protestors cleaning up any of the messes that they've made because all I've seen are pictures of campus maintenance workers having to clean up after those children?
Thunberg was one of a group of 20 protesters who demonstrated inside a university administration building. Five people were arrested in addition to Thunberg, according to Danish media.
Greta Thunberg has made me sad that I helped to start the youth climate movement because of this crap and since they stopped listening to us scientists and trained communicators so have failed to accomplish much of anything.
The group condemns the Niels Bohr Institute because Bohr had Jewish ancestry, I guess?
@GreenFire can we have a source for this claim? The one about targeting an instituting because it is named after someone with Jewish ancestors. Not that you founded Fridays for the Future. I can take that on trust
The group does what with the Niels Bohr Institute because Bohr had what?
Do I really want to know more about this rabbithellhole?
It's not worth trying to figure out. I've not seen enough information to actually conclude their intentions beyond the broadest context.
The article I got the photo from alleged that their actions were related to Bohr's Jewish heritage, but I do not know if that is true.
I am of the opinion that Hamas is at fault for what is happening in Gaza and I also agree with what Einstein warned long ago that the Likud Party has fascist roots. the Swedish product of failed integration and schooling
@jerry @GreenFire She's a white Aryan Swede with no migration background. This is not about integration; this is about traditional European anti-Semitism.
@GreenFire @jerry I online-know enough people with these views that I suspect she's a true believer. Her going to a tiny protest with a red triangle group in Germany when she could with her star power turn out 10 times as many people with regular Palestine flags suggests to me she's just anti-Semitic.
@GreenFire @jerry
Danish and Swedish media don't mention any anti-Semitic motives for this particular demonstration, though. Hmm I was reading about that last knight on my tablet, while i was stoked... ()
and now I can't access thanks to the none public access by
(used by to keep the public away)
Have you been listening to the news on DR1? then you'll know, that this is not likely to be the right reasons. its more like, Hay I'm still a stupid girl that needs special attention
@GreenFire I think the information is from Fox News, otherwise I hadn't found it anywhere else. Can you really trust Fox News? If this is really true, Greta Thunberg really has gone completely insane.
Do you have another reputable source? #gretathunberg #climatechange #israel
@GreenFire Thanks.
Although the article doesn't say that the group is condemning the Niels Bohr Institute because Bohr was of Jewish descent. That would be a really crazy reason.
As I understand it, Greta Thunberg was protesting the Niels Bohr Institute because they are collaborating with an Israeli university to measure paleoclimate or something I guess.
I just think that her actions have been harming the climate action movement for a while and wish she had of stuck to global warming.
@GreenFire I completely agree with you. Although she has every right to demonstrate against Israel if she thinks it's a good idea. But if she attacks the institute only because it was named after a Jewish scientist, then that would really be anti-Semitic. Yes, it's a bit of a shame that she got a bit carried away, she could have achieved more for the climate movement. But it is maybe unfair to accuse her of that, without her the climate movement would not have received so much attention.
Greta Thunberg is entirely capable of defending herself from allegations of antisemitism if she so chooses. Her free speech is way, way louder than most people's.
She got that loudspeaker from people like me who helped take her from 100 followers when I started tweeting her and getting celebrities to support her #ClimateStrike movement to the millions she now has so I'm not hesitant to express my opinion on how I view her actions. Same here. I'm disappointed we've lost an effective evangelist.
@anrothelf @GreenFire @leobm all of this and not one mention of more than 30,000 people dead in mostly civilian circumstances treated as mere collateral damage. I’m a strong advocate for protecting the climate, but I appreciate the activism to try to stop the killing. Is it not entirely reasonable that someone with the foresight to care for the global climate to also care and take action for the immediate danger to thousands of people?
@aardvark @anrothelf @leobm
Yes, I've been calling for Hamas to stop the killing for a long time too. War is hell. Fuckin' sucks.
That said, Hamas could've ended this years ago. They could've held elections at any point in the last ~18 years they've been in power. They did not. They established an absolute theocratic authoritarian regime -- a literal terrorist state.
Hamas can end this today. Right now.
Point your fake outrage where it belongs.
@anrothelf @GreenFire @aardvark @leobm
Wow, so Israel would not be blowing up starving toddlers if the Palestinians had elections?
That is completely divorced from reality, but it's amusing that you are willing to humiliate yourself by using that argument in public like that. Done with your bad faith trolling. Enjoy my block list!
@GreenFire @leobm This Reuters story doesn't even mention the Niels Bohr Institute.
@GreenFire this claim seems like it’d be worth an edit to include a cite. Or, if it’s really just from an unsupported claim from Fox, perhaps even deletion. Standalone it’s worth what?
Have you seen a statement from Greta Thunberg explaining why she blocked the climate research at the Neils Bohr institute? I made an assumption. That does not require a citation.
@GreenFire Mal som Gretu celkom rád, aj som jej fandil, ale odkedy je v otázke Izraela pomýlená, to ide s ňou dolu vodou.
@GreenFire You are smearing Thunberg as an antisemite without an ounce of proof! Are we on fu*king Twitter, or what?
I haven't smeared anyone or have you seen her publish an explanation of why she chose to block the Niels Bohr Institute's research of paleoclimate or are you saying that it is a smear for me to say that I think Tucker Carlson is a racist?
@GreenFire Don't be such a weasel. You stated that the group organizing the protest Thunberg was involved with - and I quote you:
"...condemns the Niels Bohr Institute because Bohr had Jewish ancestry."
You provided NO evidence. You just made the unsubstatiated claim. That's a pure smear job. Should be ashamed of yourself!
How many anti-Israel protestors have been arrested this semester?