"Danielle Smith Soft-Begs #Trump for Help Toppling Canada — Because She’s a MAGA Cult Traitor, Not a Premier
Alberta’s Premier isn’t just flirting with MAGA — she’s campaigning for Trump’s blessing to sell out #Canada"
@GottaLaff what a see you next tuesday
@GottaLaff Vichy France all over again...
So...she's trying to one-up USians and become a melding of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert to be Trump's new concubine?
@Wileymiller Maybe she'll even get her lips done
@GottaLaff @Wileymiller She needs to change her hair color too
@alex_p_roe She already did. She got blonde highlights before going down to visit Trump. When she came back she reverted back to all brown. @GottaLaff @Wileymiller
@feisty_lemming @GottaLaff @Wileymiller Really?! These people are as weird as they are hateful and misguided. Very sad.
@alex_p_roe I think of it kind of like the Kristi Noem effect. But obviously her makeover hasn’t been that extreme. @GottaLaff @Wileymiller
@feisty_lemming @GottaLaff @Wileymiller So she’s going to start shooting dogs or other innocent animals soon too?!
@alex_p_roe She did auction licenses in the US to hunt Alberta’s wildlife even outside of hunting season. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7445732 @GottaLaff @Wileymiller
@feisty_lemming @GottaLaff @Wileymiller Is she Noem’s sister?!
@Wileymiller Dani has always been a traitor, ask any Canadian. @GottaLaff
I'm gonna guess it wouldn't take much digging to find connections with her and Putin.
@Wileymiller There is no evidence of that so my answer is , No.
Ties to Trump yes, she isn't shy about that.
I don't like spreading rumours. @GottaLaff
@Crispius yup. Charlie Angus is on it as well, that's why I don't post anything from him. I sent him a message saying so.
That's why I said I was guessing and wouldn't take much digging, which is what Canadian investigative reporters should to at this point. When one is closely tied to Trump, the dots eventually connect to Putin.
@Wileymiller Pretty sure someone at either The Tyee, Narwhal, The Breach, Maple or other independent news would be looking into it.
Edit: Canadians would love to see the names on the foreign interference report!!
At a time when Canadians are rightly getting the hell out of Florida, I think this picture of Danielle Smith at Mar a Lago needs to be everywhere. #MapleMAGA
@MaryAustinBooks @GottaLaff sadly no one but Albertans can do anything about her.
Naheed Nenshi needs to take Alberta back! All of my hopes are on him!
@GottaLaff OMG. Stop her.
@GottaLaff OMG Canada, don’t make the same mistake we did!
@GottaLaff Don’t let your traitor aid the traitor to the south #elbowsup
@GottaLaff wow. Just wow.
We need to do all we can to stop the Maple MAGA.
There’s a term younger generations should acquaint themselves with: Quisling. He was a real man who sold out his country to the OG Nazis.
Danielle Smith is a quisling.
@DavidM_yeg @GottaLaff I have used Quisling (correctly) for over 50 years!
@DavidM_yeg @GottaLaff I have never heard or seen a greater look of contempt than when Quisling was mentioned by or around my grandmother who was in the Norwegian resistance. Danielle SMith is setting herself up to be hated long after her demise.
@GottaLaff during PM Carney's campaign launch press conference today at 12:30 EDT, a reporter asked Carney about that very thing, so we have the CBC confirming that yeah, Danielle Smith begged Trump to delay tariffs long enough to get PP elected. I'm hoping this angers Canadians enough to not elect that bastard, PP.
@hfinyow @GottaLaff I would love to see the video of that!
@feisty_lemming @GottaLaff it was broadcast live. They posted the speech but not the Q&A after.
@hfinyow @GottaLaff So, does anyone know whether the Canada Elections Act covers Canadians who ask foreign governments to interfere in our elections? If we were to all submit interference complaints, is there a section we can refer to? Or maybe the legislation never contemplated such a traitor as Smith. Is there other federal legislation that would apply?
Does #Alberta count as "foreign" interference?
@hfinyow @GottaLaff Oh, Canada. It must be nice to live in a country with real reporters!
I may have missed it, but I don’t recall a single reporter asking Trump if he worked with Netanyahu to delay the Gaza ceasefire until after the US elections… which he almost CERTAINLY did.
@mls14 They don't bother asking him questions they know he won't answer. Besides, we already know he wants to destroy Gaza so he can grab the land for himself. @hfinyow @GottaLaff @soc_i_ety
@AlliFlowers @mls14 @hfinyow @GottaLaff @soc_i_ety Only a demented idiot like Trump would seriously consider usurping Palestinian territory like Gaza in a region he'd be too cowardly to stay a week in without United States Secret Service protection, too add another mental & financial bankruptcy to the long list of his personal disasters & stupid bubbles burst.
Bring peace to a Palestinian territory without Palestinians?
How long will Trump still try to convince us that his personality's "dumber" is still expandable?
@ArenaCops You're being unfair. Trump wouldn't stay two minutes ANYWHERE, including in the US, without his SS bodyguards. @mls14 @hfinyow @GottaLaff @soc_i_ety
@AlliFlowers @mls14 @hfinyow @GottaLaff @soc_i_ety Admittedly I've been a bit more generous than necessary with that!
@mls14 @hfinyow @GottaLaff Just like Reagan did with the Iran hostage crisis.
@ADMP @hfinyow @GottaLaff Yes I think that is a great comparison!
It was so frustrating to me when so many people skipped the 2024 election based on there not being a ceasefire. The one that started after Trump took office was the exact same one negotiated (with help from Biden’s team) in MAY.
@hfinyow @GottaLaff
Alberta needs to wake the fuck up too!
@hfinyow @GottaLaff
Hard core Conservative/PP supporters won't care. Hopefully some of the 'soft supporters' will start seeing the pattern.
@GottaLaff I saw this on another post this morning.
MAGA: Make America Go Away!
She’s gross.
Like most Republicans, Danielle Smith is a puppet of the fossil fuel industry.
Its the most corrupt industry on the planet. It's funding fascism globally & frying the planet.
She wants to mine the Rockies for coal on behalf of a Australian billionaire.
The fossil fuel industry spent $445 million buying elections for the GOP. They do the same in any democracy transitioning away from their toxic products.
Background research will show the oil and oil field construction fields in Alberta have silent US owner/partners. Someone needs to update that info and release it to the Canadian people.
@GottaLaff #ABDanielSmithIsDangerouslyUnfitToLead Here she is schmoozing and kissing the ring. Believing herself to be the queen of Alberta. The #LickspittleTeam of #DanielleSmith., #KevinO’Leary, #JordanPeterson and #ConradBlack are traitors to Canada .
@GottaLaff Does she think Canadiens are blind? Like they can't see what happened to the last country full of gullible rubes