The annual State Dept human rights report “will remove all sections covering the rights of women, #LGBTQ+ people, and the disabled as well as sections dedicated to discrimination against indigenous people and corruption in government.” https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2025/03/marco-rubio-removes-lgbtq-people-women-from-annual-human-rights-report/
@GottaLaff Honestly, if normal people saw this stuff they would freak out so bad, yet they just don't see it because of course the mass media doesn't care. And you know Meta and X will do everything they can to hide it too.
Then I imagine Amnesty and the like will have to compile it for them.
@GottaLaff@mstdn.social "Annual Report on Human Rights of Rich, Non-Disabled White Cis Men"
@zakalwe @GottaLaff "The only true Humans on the planet"
@GottaLaff Human Wypipo Report
@GottaLaff that's what the wealthy theocracies and autocracies of the world wanted the whole time they have been undermining USA elections. To stop the USA from nagging and sanctioning them for human rights violations. I assume all sanctions over human rights will be coming off soon.
@GottaLaff sooooo the report will be on the human rights of white men. Gotcha.
@GottaLaff gonna be a short report
I'm gonna have to give that report an "incomplete".
@GottaLaff they will all pay for this
@GottaLaff White male country.
@GottaLaff are they also removing the letters "hu" from the report? Seems like they may as well
@GottaLaff So it's now a report on the rights of straight, able bodied* men. And one of their rights is apparently corruption.
White male chauvinism.
* presumably white
@GottaLaff These reports have always been infuriating because of the unwillingness of the US State Department to acknowledge the log in the US's own eye.
Just take the sheer arrogance the State Department must have to write this after the attempted coup in the US in 2021:
"Abuses or Irregularities in Recent Elections: Elections in the country [Australia], including the most recent national elections in 2022, were reported to be fair and free of abuses and irregularities."
Edit: and the missing stair in the section on reproductive rights: access to abortion isn't mentioned at all.
@GottaLaff Guessing the folks in the US can put away their fancy election shoes cuz it looks like you won't be needing them again.
@GottaLaff fuck them. They're trying SO HARD to start a civil war
You may be onto something!
I fear if protests get out of hand, trump will set the troops on us, making Kent State look like a garden party.
@bronakins @Lizette603_23 Onto something? This has been the conventional wisdom since his first term.
He's been dying for a race war, then send out the troops... martial law.
That's why so many have been hesitant to protest.
@GottaLaff first they came for the trans people. Then they came for the disabled and indigenous people, then the elderly....
@GottaLaff white hot rage of a million Suns
@GottaLaff They are removing the section on corruption in government !?!
@GottaLaff JFC is right
JFC this is beyond cruel of insecure white males, it approaches War Crime territory of ‘cleansing’.
@GottaLaff this report should be a one pager.
Many differentiators amongst people will have them lose their designation as human.
Right have increased for "humans" as now they are no longer restricted from harming these non-humans.
@GottaLaff G-damn! It's something egregious every f*cking day.
@michelleyallen That's the goal
@GottaLaff Like with Covid: 0 tests = 0 cases. In their logic.
@GottaLaff The report will just be a list of countries scored on skin tone and contributions to Trump's coffers. Russia gets top marks!
@GottaLaff I’m starting to lose hope that he will be stopped.
@GottaLaff America will be Hungary by the end of the year and it appears Americans will just let it happen