piece of you know what.
@cindyweinstein Shit? That the word you were looking for?
That's the one.
@GottaLaff "annihilated" huh. That's a ticket to The Hague.
but not against Russia -_-
Peace with Russia is important!
(not that i really want any war, but if you looking for one Russia would be an obvious candidate....)
That's because he has figured out that if he starts a war, he can declare martial law (see MTG, that's how it's spelled.). And then, we will be truly screwed.
@Darkphoenix I've been saying that since 2016
Yes, and we were told that we "were overreacting, didn't know that for sure, and give him a chance" by a lot of the same idiots that are crying that "that's not what we voted for" now.
@Darkphoenix EXACTLY
@GottaLaff If he can ONLY start a war he can declare himself King, is the "thought" behind that. There's a problem with that reasoning, though. Has to get Congress to do it with him.
@Lizette603_23 Or does he?
@GottaLaff in the world we used to know...let's see how many court hearings THIS takes
I'm glad to get the kidney stones taken care of before next week, when I expect things to explode.
@Lizette603_23 I am too, so you'll feel better too
@GottaLaff People doing violence in his name to people he doesn't like makes him feel like a Big, Strong Man™
@JediSoth Yep, he's done that his whole life
He just wants peace. A piece of Canada. A piece of Panama. A piece of Greenland. A piece of Ukraine. A piece of Palestine.
@davidtheeviloverlord @GottaLaff @AlliFlowers Maybe if we concede the Sudetenland to him, he’ll have no further territorial demands. Didn’t work very well the first time around, but then appeasers are seemingly indefatigable.
@GottaLaff "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." -- Londo Mollari
So he can distract for the chaos an incompetence displayed you mean…?