Via Rupar:
Rick Scott on #Iran: "We have to destroy their economy ... and maybe we're gonna have to go in or Israel is gonna have to go in and destroy their ability to create a nuclear weapon."
@GottaLaff let’s not and say we did. Reality is what the government says after all…
@GottaLaff Hey, remember when we had an agreement where Iran willingly gave up their nuclear program in exchange for (EDIT) sanctions relief (/EDIT), a deal that was beneficial for everyone involved, and then some demented dipshit ripped up the deal and now we're playing with atomic fire?
My only comfort is the knowledge that our oppressors are some of the dumbest fucking people in history. Still. For fuck's sake.
Maybe global nuclear war would be for the best in the long run ...
@Legit_Spaghetti @GottaLaff
@JessTheUnstill @GottaLaff For context, even after a full-scale nuclear war, with a fully and irrecoverably depleted ozone layer, fallout blanketing the world, orbit rendered inaccessible for centuries due to an ablation cascade, and most of the surface permanently uninhabitable for humans, Earth would STILL be paradise compared to Mars.
It's unsettling how many of those broligarchs fetishize the post-apocalypse and apocalypse-adjacent dystopias. They seem like really sick people.
Oh sure, it'd be a hell scape for humanity. But at this point, I kinda am done with humanity.
@Legit_Spaghetti @GottaLaff
@GottaLaff @Legit_Spaghetti @JessTheUnstill Have you watched “Silo” yet ?
@Legit_Spaghetti @GottaLaff "In exchange for aid"? You mean sanctions relief?
@SvensKia @GottaLaff Yes, I was a bit foggy on the exact details when I posted my off the cuff toot.
@GottaLaff @Legit_Spaghetti
But… “…some of the dumbest fucking people in history” is exactly who you [don’t] want in control of the nuclear launch codes
he’s never been all that bright has he
@darwinwoodka No, but none of them are and look where we are now
@GottaLaff What a horrifying way to start a morning.
@TheEjj Omg I know!
@GottaLaff we already did that through sanctions….oh that’s right Trump pulled out of the deal….he wants a war
@lillyfinch He's been wanting war for so long now
@GottaLaff the sadist within…. Afraid he will expand to Iran…
@GottaLaff it sounds like Steve Bannon is still peddling his poisonous influence.
@teresa_athome Sounds like? Bannon's been out there the whole time, never stopped. It's been reported everywhere.
Sure. But let's not audit Rick Scott business or investigate his corruption. That would be evil.
@GottaLaff Greetings, Professor Falken
@GottaLaff How'd that work for North Korea?
@GottaLaff Trump is today reported as saying if the Houthis continue to attack anyone, he will treat it as coming from Iran. An attack on Iran would not be surprising. What is surprising is that it has not happened yet.
@GottaLaff Who's Rick Scott again? Losing track of all the clowns in the car.