He controls the blackmail budget
@solownh @GottaLaff
Ouch. The opposite of womp.
Pmow? But I shall focus my energies on the "of course we're gonna lose" part.
I understand why Pam "Dragon Lady" Bondi said that, to suck up to the boss. But the House and Congress generally control the budget. It's a legislative prerogative. The President gets to put in his two cents, but it's not his budget.
@huntingdon It is his budget because GOP Congress has capitulated and let it be.
I’m starting to feel like I’m going to croak from a stroke in the middle of creating a shiny red meme that reads “CONGRESS, NOT TRUMP, CONTROLS THE NATION’s BUDG…”
Am I the last person in America who still believes in & upholds the Constitution?
@cynblogger GOP Congress has given Trump their power.
@GottaLaff I should probably go back and find the context but, taken alone, this quote is square-on unconstitutional.
@GottaLaff They're not even trying to hide it.
@GottaLaff and it is incorrect. They recently lost several case in the Supreme Court. Amy Coney Barrett does not seem to automatically submit to the God King.
I have a feeling that they're trading off who's going to dissent and who's going to capitulate so nobody gets credited or blamed all the time.