Burning it all down is the goal.
Via Maddow:
"the plan to shrink #IRS staff by up to 50% would — very conservatively — lead to a $400 billion increase in uncollected taxes over the next decade. It could easily mean more than $2 trillion in losses..." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2025/03/13/doge-irs-cuts-tax-revenue/
Bingo. And also do so much damage that *even if* elections occur as scheduled and the Trump regime is ejected, the incoming leadership can't repair it.
@ralfmaximus @GottaLaff Couldn’t a future funded IRS retroactively audit these assholes who don’t pay their share? I mean assuming it doesn’t actually burn to the ground and lose the data.
@GottaLaff Today, the IRS fails to collect about $700 billion in taxes owed each year. We know that going after tax evaders has huge returns: Recent academic work suggests that every dollar spent on auditing people in the top 10 percent of earners returns $12. Prior estimates from the Treasury Department’s inspector general suggest that each additional hour spent auditing a high earner generates nearly $5,000 in additional tax revenue.
That “return on investment” into audit activity is not limited to the U.S. conversation. Repeated research in multiple countries gives very similar results, although maybe not the same overall $ return. And this goes back for decades - it’s not new.
Well put, Phyllis. Thank you.
@orrickle @GottaLaff And right there the reason for Elon and Bonespur's urgency to gut the IRS.
@GottaLaff Maybe it's time for a national property tax for "legal entities" that have multi-state or multi-nation assets.
@GottaLaff are they trying to do their take on austerity measures with the surgical skills of a sledgehammer on the meme surgery grape?
@GottaLaff Yeah. “Backfire” is totally the wrong word there. It’s a feature, not a bug.
@GottaLaff If (as seems very likely) all this slashing and burning and perceived increase in corruption at the top leads to a serious change in how people view the social contract, 400 billion seems like peanuts. Why should someone in the top 10% pay their “fair share” when the 0.01% steal everything in sight?
@GottaLaff by design. Musk wants it for himself.
More than that..
Why would any US citizen or #greenCard holder submit a tax return again?