“Biden said this plant was a health threat. #Trump dropped a lawsuit against it
DOJ on Friday dropped a landmark lawsuit alleging that cancer-causing pollution from a #Louisiana petrochemical plant poses an imminent danger to nearby communities” #ProLifeMyAss
@GottaLaff And they've gutted the CDC so there's no one to report on cancer hotspots in the area. So I guess there's no problem. Right?
I mean they elected the government THEY wanted. Maybe they can also volunteer to help florida with those radioactive roads
Number of fucks left for the deluded folk in that state: 0
@GottaLaff I lived there for a decade. It’s unbelievably polluted everywhere. You’d think, “Ahhhh! So much rain & vegetation! The air must be so fresh!! I’ll open my windows & enjoy the breeeze!” *cough* *cough* “Wait?Where are these horrifying exhaust fumes coming from?!?” You go to the beach to relax… “What are these tar balls everywhere?!?” I would wonder how people stand it, then every car that drove past had 2 parents smoking with the windows up & a baby & toddlers with them.
@GottaLaff Non-paywall link (although you may see a captcha)
@Shdwdrgn @GottaLaff Isn’t this in Johnson’s state?
@Beachbum @GottaLaff It sure is...
@GottaLaff The Orange Felon is killing us, one by one.
There's a reason they call much of Louisiana, "Cancer Alley," and it's Black and brown people who take the biggest hit in disease and early death. You'd think Louisiana Senators and Congresscritters would have more respect for their fellow citizens. You'd be wrong.
@GottaLaff The gulf of MEXICO is a petrochemical swamp, full of toxic waste that has been dumped for decades. The GOP will poison everyone for profit and greed.