F them.
Via WaPo:
#Wyoming Republican lawmakers on Wednesday voted a bill into law that will require women seeking medication #abortions to undergo an ultrasound first, overriding the GOP governor’s veto.
Indeed, although I am not as circumspect as you, Laffy.
Fuck Them; may they come to personally understand what it's like to be on the other side of their disgusting and relentless misogyny and lust for power. I gave up believing in karma, so I'm no longer hesitant in saying I would love to see them experience victimization in real time. It may be the only thing that could possibly make them evolve into being human beings capable of empathy.
@GottaLaff im afraid to go look. Are they demanding vaginal insert ultrasounds like Texas does? Those are significantly more expensive and much more uncomfortable than I expected when I had one to make sure kiddo was ok cause they were in a weird position.
I propose that any man who want to legislate women’s bodies must undergo a similar procedure before they vote. Lube up that 6” wand boys, we’re probing republican asses to look for signs of intelligence.
@MissConstrue @GottaLaff Best place to look, but I still don't fancy your chances of finding any!
The clowns who defy the law, to forcefully impose a law, don't really expect ANYONE to obey that law... Do they?
How about a mandatory MRI for a penis when seeking medication for erectile dysfunction?
@cindyweinstein @GottaLaff
There aren't MRI machines small enough
@cindyweinstein @GottaLaff Nope, they have to get the ultrasound that goes up your poop chute - #TRUS - and make sure there’s no babies in there.
@GottaLaff Nice, we're back in the 1950s, just what everyone has been waiting for /s.
@GottaLaff The U.S. is daily becoming more and more like The Third Reich
@BagOfNails That’s the goal
How about a law on the books? All men interested in have sex must submit to a prostate examination. After all they need to make sure they are in good health before sex.
It is not like they are being intrusive or anything like that...
@GottaLaff Fuck that!!!!