Fifth #norovirus outbreak hits Holland America ships since December - Cruise liners are floating Petri dishes.
@zakalwe I’ve never been on a cruise and that’s one of the main reasons For me it comes behind "Why would I want to do that in the first place?" I think I'd go out of my skull with boredom between ports.
Via the CDC, and the bit about cruise ships gives some context to this:
"These outbreaks often get media attention, which is why some people call norovirus the "cruise ship virus." However, norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships account for only a small percentage (1%) of all reported norovirus outbreaks."
It's because the ships test and report regularly that you hear about them, but not so much the other 99%.
@neonbubble @GottaLaff Picked it up on a flight. Norovirus isn’t something you forget.
Never had it, or not had anything that was determined to be it. Had various ailments that likely came via schoolkids as my wife and her sister work in schools, but as nothing was tested and it was just let to run its course, no way to know for sure. We've been on 37 cruises, though, and been okay (that's probably jinxed it), and it's not hard to see why given how much cleaning constantly takes place on them.
@neonbubble @GottaLaff It’s short-lived, sudden onset, pretty unique - 24-36 hours, over & done.
@wendinoakland @neonbubble @GottaLaff I caught it from my daughter who worked at a daycare. Sickest I’ve ever been. I also had a 6 year old at the time and I literally prayed again that he wouldn’t get it. And somehow he didn’t. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
@wendinoakland @neonbubble @GottaLaff Yup. Had it on a youth camp once. Tents in the woods, no running water or electricity.
We saw it migrate from one tent to the next over the course of the week. Everyone had it at some point. Luckily it lasted only about 30-48 hours per patient. As staff was also getting sick, we divided each activity in one for pukers and one for non pukers.
Still managed to have great fun. We made puking songs, drawings, poems,... lots of norovirus art.
@kmmich @neonbubble @GottaLaff Yikes! It’s awful, but fast. We got lower-GI effects, too.
@wendinoakland @neonbubble @GottaLaff yeah. They call it a two bucket disease :)
Pretty annoying in a camp site with 2 toilets for 30 people.
@neonbubble @GottaLaff This is very interesting.
The fact that cruises, as a business, survived covid tells you everything you need to know.
New advertisement campaign:
"Come for the Norovirus, stay with the Coronavirus!"