Hope she means it.
Via Kyle Griffin:
Republican Susan Collins says she's voting against #KashPatel's nomination to be Trump's FBI Director:
"Mr. Patel's recent political profile undermines his ability to serve in the apolitical role of Director of the FBI."
Wait thirty seconds for Susie Collins to change her mind. Change would be welcome, but Collins is normally as predictable as Lucy with the football.
Of course she doesn't.
@GottaLaff So does Collins, she says one thing and does another..
@GottaLaff She probably will, but only after consulting the leadership to be sure that her vote isn't needed. That kind of thing is part of her playbook.
@Just_Tired @GottaLaff Yes, that is what I meant since she announced her vote. It is how she maintains her moderate brand even though she is a total party loyalist. Her dissents never flip the vote.
@GottaLaff I'll believe she has a conscience when she votes no, but not until.
@tinkb333 Or she votes no knowing it won't affect the vote
@GottaLaff I shall believe it when it happens.
@Lazarou Her vote won't matter. That's when she votes on our side
@GottaLaff ahhh, of course!
@GottaLaff my money is, she collins it. She always does
@GottaLaff I also hope so. In the past, Susan Collins has been against everything bad. But ends up voting for it..
@rlstone4dems @GottaLaff They know they have enough votes without her, so she gets to play "moderate" for her constituents.
@dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff yep, her and Murkowski already played this game with Hegseth.
@daedalean @dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff and Mitch too. Surprisingly for RFK Jr only Mitch voted no. So disappointed with Murkowski, I haven't trusted Collins in years
@michelin @dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff mitch threw me, maybe he’s a true believer and trying to get right with god before the end. Or he just personally hates hegseth. Still, if any of em actually wanted to stop the appointment they probably could’ve persuaded one other gop senator to join em.
@daedalean @dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff and now Mitch voted for Patel ... I guess it's too good to be true hoping he found courage at last
@michelin @daedalean @dan613 @GottaLaff So true, Michel. I also don’t trust Collins. And it’s been this way for years.
@dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff
yup. she's been the poster child for "but not all republicans" while totally supporting the party line. i don't recall her ever being the deciding factor in overriding any vote.
@paul_ipv6 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff I was wondering if she ever helped stop a Republican bill.
@dan613 @rlstone4dems @GottaLaff
she's been there forever, so it's possible but every time i've cared/hoped, she's been a disappointment.
She will change her mind at the last minute and state the 'he's learned a lesson...'
I won't bet the farm on her sticking to that.
@GottaLaff it's Lucy and the football with her Everytime (hope it isn't this time)
@GottaLaff Oh, she’ll speak with him and he’ll reassure her that he won’t do this or that… and she’ll vote to confirm him… and then immediately declare she had been duped.